Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What's your excuse?

The last time you planned to exercise did you have to overcome a barrage of excuses? I'm sure just like me, you have come up with some oldies but goodies such as:
"I'm too tired"
"I'm too busy"

So what can you do to overcome these excuses? There is no secret solution, but there are ways to help make it easier. So here are the top 5 excuses and ways to overcome them.

This is an excuse everyone has used, including me (many times over). After a long day at school/work, you would rather just lie on the couch and watch TV. However, once you  actually drag yourself off the couch and to the gym/park, you’ll be surprised that you’ll feel better and more energised — not more exhausted. Working out improves muscle strength and boosts endurance. It gets your blood flowing and your cardiovascular system working more efficiently. And the more efficient your heart and lungs, the better your blood is able to deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. When your tissues have the oxygen and nutrients they need, you have more energy. Also, when you exercise regularly, you sleep better, and when you sleep better, you have more energy to get through the day.

Another favourite excuse used by many. You say you're too busy to exercise but somehow you find an hour to watch the latest episode of *insert your favourite TV show* (in my case, it is The Blacklist). It's all about setting priorities. If you want to exercise, it’s just a matter of making the time, whether that means getting up an hour earlier in the morning to go for a brisk walk or taking an hour for lunch and walking with co-workers rather than chatting away in the cafeteria. Or try breaking up your workout into mini workouts; fitting 20 minutes of exercise three times a day in between other tasks.

A gym membership can be costly especially if you do not utilise that membership. But cost shouldn’t be an excuse for not working out. One of the best free workouts you can do is start a walking routine. You can walk anywhere, and the only cost is a comfortable pair of shoes. Studies show that walking can help with weight loss, which can help ward off diabetes. If walking doesn’t excite you, you can do many other free exercises, like biking, dancing, or even household chores such as gardening or vacuuming. You can also invest in a few simple pieces of at-home exercise equipment and follow workout DVDs or routines on YouTube.
This excuse is especially true for those just starting out. It's hard to push yourself when there is nothing motivating you. This is where goal setting is important. If you have a goal and a deadline, you are more likely to use that as your source of motivation. If you have a special event such as a birthday or a wedding coming up and you have been planning to get into shape for a while, use that event to push you every time you don't feel like exercising. Imagine the end result and you will get there much quicker. Another great source of motivation is working out with others who can push you and keep you accountable. If none of the above have worked for you, why not invest in a couple of sessions with a professional who can get you started on your fitness journey and provide tips on how to stay on track.

Sure, running on the treadmill for an hour can be a real bore as can riding on a stationary bicycle at the gym. But exercise doesn’t have to be boring at all. Why not try out the myriad of gym classes on offer or venture into the great outdoors and do a bit of hiking, skiing, mountain biking to break up the routine. Finding a fitness routine that works for you should just be a matter of trial and error. Another way to combat boredom is to change your exercise routine every six to eight weeks. Constantly changing your routine will keep it challenging, and can also get you over a weight loss plateau if you experience a stall on the scale.

So the next time you find yourself saying one of these excuses, think about the bigger picture. Think about how improving your health and fitness can benefit those around you. Set a good example for your kids/friends/family. Nothing good is life ever comes easy, but hopefully these tips can make it slightly easier.


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