Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Healthy Travels

“Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” – James Beard.

For many, travelling to a new place is more about tasting the local cuisine rather than seeing the sights. As James Beard, a renowned gourmet chef and writer, wrote in Beard on Food (1974): "Food is our common ground, a universal experience". Food is a central part to culture and plays a pivotal role in our relationships, enjoyment of life and expansion of knowledge.

However, too often do the pounds pile on when we travel, but this doesn't have to be the case. This does not mean missing out on that delicious croissant in Paris, it just means you have to increase your food knowledge before you go. And it also wouldn't hurt to pick up some of the local lingo as more often than not, the best food haunts are hidden away from touristy spots.

Over the next few months, I will be writing a new series of articles on how to eat healthily when travelling. The first stop for A Sense of Health will be Greece!

(Pronounced: Apolamváno̱!)
(Translation: Enjoy!)


Monday, February 3, 2014

Every Step You Take

♪ Every step you take, every time you wake, every move you make, all the sweat you break, you're improving your health! ♪ Ok so I may not be the most musically talented person (and apologies to The Police) but you get my point. Every step you take during the day DOES count.

This is particularly true for those just starting out. As cliché as it sounds, taking that first step is often the hardest, but the most important. So a good way to begin is by starting a walking routine. Walking has many benefits and this is supported by a plethora of research.

Here are 10 reasons to get walking:

1. Build energy and endurance
Walking gets your blood flowing, improves circulation and increases energy levels.

2. Lower your risk of diabetes
Regular walking can help keep your blood sugar levels healthy and, in turn, reduce your chances of getting diabetes.

3. Feel better
Research shows that people who exercise regularly have fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety.

4. Look after your heart
Walking regularly can help lower your blood pressure and levels of 'bad' (LDL) cholesterol, improving your heart health.

5. Stay in shape
A brisk 30-minute walk can burn more than 500 extra kilojoules, helping you to feel and look good.

6. Reduce your cancer risk
According to the Cancer Council, physical activity, such as walking, can greatly reduce your risk of bowel and post-menopausal breast cancers.

7. Build strong bones, joints and muscles
Walking helps keep your bones strong to protect against osteoporosis - which affects both men and women, and stronger muscles can also better support joints, often easing the symptoms of arthritis.

8. Prevent dementia
According to studies, exercise may help protect against dementia by improving blood flow to the brain.

9. Invest in your health
Thirty minutes or more of walking on most days of the week (adding around 3,000 to 4,000 steps to your day) can help lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes and bowel cancer.

10. It's easy
Walking is a gentle, low-impact exercise that comes naturally to your body. It's simple and can ease you into a higher level of fitness and health.

A few years ago, I wrote an article about the 10,000 steps challenge (The Little Things), which encourages people to walk 10,000 steps a day. This may seem like a lot but in reality, it is very achievable when you include all your daily activities such as running errands, walking around the office/house and of course, working out. To put it into perspective, here is a breakdown of the number of steps in relation to level of activeness.

A great way to keep track of your steps in to invest in a pedometer. Pedometers measure the number of steps you take each day. There are plenty of different models on the market and something suitable for everyone. If you're just after something basic then the pedometer on the left is perfect - it shows the number of steps you've taken and at the start of every day, you simply press reset. The pedometer on the right is the Nike Fuel band which tracks the wearer's physical activity, daily steps, and calories burned. The information from the band is integrated into the Nike+ online community and phone application, allowing wearers to set their own fitness goals, monitor their progression, and compare themselves to others part of the community.

This is also a great way to keep yourself accountable. By setting a daily goal, you have something to work towards - providing a sense of motivation to keep improving. And it doesn't matter where you start, as long as you stay persistent and consistent, and keep challenging yourself. You might be surprised how many or how few steps you actually take in a day!

So set yourself a goal and let's get walking!