This is not a promotion for lemonade as a drink of choice over apple juice. So why, you may be wondering am I suggesting lemonade NOT apple juice? Well you will just have to keep reading to find out!
I was watching an episode of 'The Doctors' recently when Jillian Michaels, Biggest Loser trainer and health and wellness expert, said something that was both disgusting yet educating. In regards to hydration, Jillian commented that "You want your pee to look like lemonade NOT apple juice".
I guess most of us know this quite well but how many actually adhere to it?
From L to R: Dr Lisa Masterson, Dr Andrew Ordon, Dr Travis Stork, Jillian Michaels, Dr Jim Sears, Dr Wendy Walsh
We all know that to keep our bodies healthy we should drink water - some say 2L a day (8 glasses), others say drink 250ml for every 10kg of body weight. But how much should we actually be drinking?
And while some may argue the fact that drinking coffee, alcohol, tea, juice or soda should count towards your daily water consumption - IT DOESN'T!!! Yes, all those products do contain water but they also contain sugar, additives, caffeine, etc. The best way to keep hydrated is to drink water in its purest form.
A really good way to ensure you keep hydrated is to keep a bottle of water in your bag, on your desk and in your car. If you have water close to you, you are probably more likely to drink it!
So back to the ideal quantity of water, there is no magic amount. But it is a good idea to aim for approximately 2L a day, give or take, depending on your size. If you are participating in physical activities or the weather is hot, increase the amount of water you are drinking. Every time you go to the toilet, take a quick look at the colour of your pee. If it looks more like lemonade then you're doing great, but if it looks more like apple juice then DRINK UP ASAP!!!
So remember, lemonade NOT apple juice!